Books I'm currently reading
- [-] How to Win Friends & Influence People
- Riichi 1
- A new kind of Science
- The Educated Mind
- How to Lie with Statistics
- The Data Detective: 10 Easy Rules
- The Righteous Mind
- Tibet in Agony
- Zen at War
- The Poppy Wars
- The Black Company
- Revelation Space
- Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings
- The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)
- The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life (Robert Trivers)
- Moonwalking with Einstein
- Outliers
- Real Analysis
- Little World
(Computer) Science:
- [-] Goedel Escher Bach
- Algorithms Data Structures Programs
- the mythical man-month
- Flow based programming
- Science of the Artificial
- Little Schemer
- Seasoned Schemer
- The art of the metaobject protocol
- Computer Libs
- Geeks Bearing Gifts
- possiplex
- hackers delight
- coders at work
- [-] Six Easy Pieces
- [-] Six Not-So-Easy Pieces
- defining wind
- Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!
- New Musical Resources
- What Is Existentialism?
- Leviathan
- Animal Liberation
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
- Three Worlds Collide
- [-] There is no Antimemetics Department
- Flatland
- Blood Meridian
- The Book of Five Rings
- [-] The Lathe of Heaven
- East of Eden
- American Psycho
- Rules of Attraction
- Less than Zero