talks I like
- Winning the War on Error Solving the Halting Problem and Curing Cancer - Matt Might
- Stop Treading Water: Learning to Learn - Edward Kmett
- Free is a Lie - Aaron Balkan
- The computer revolution has not happened yet - Alan Kay
- Computer Science - A Guide for the Perplexed - Joe Armstrong
- Computers for Cynics - Ted Nelson
- The Mess We’re In - Joe Armstrong
- Preventing the Collapse of Civilization - Jonathan Blow
- Object-Oriented Programming is Bad - Brian Will
- Replacing the UNIX tradition - Brian Will
- Zig: A programming language designed for robustness, optimality, and clarity – Andrew Kelley
- Mathematica Keynote - Stephen Wolfram
- The Future of Programming - Bret Victor
- For A Free Digital Society - Richard M. Stallman
Functional Paradigm
- Outperforming Imperative with Pure Functional Languages - Richard Feldman
- Why Isn’t Functional Programming the Norm? – Richard Feldman
- Functional Programming for Pragmatists - Richard Feldman
you can also find all these links here